Darkness out of blue

Darkness out of blue

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


why did he have to make such darkness out of blue

ok there’s sadness in his life he didn’t get to choose

why did he need to feel a reassuring hand

before he seemed to understand

you stumble free...or let it be


too late I saw my words were cutting him in two

saw him clutching at the straws he could’t bear to lose

he said that given time he knew it would come right

and how he longed for warmth and light

so he could see how things should be


then my feet left the ground

and my words became a string of sounds

he gave me that old sad look and fell in line

and at this sign

everything I’d said just slipped from my mind

‘cause my feet left the ground

so glad once more it’s me he’d found

got rid of the dark and clung to the blue

what more could I do

everyone knew that I was dreaming


he and I can stay in this tiny patch of blue

they are so close together colours that we use

I just need to hear him say he understands

before I dare to show my hand

and stumble free..or let it be


when my feet left the ground

all my words became a string of sounds

he gave me that old sad look and fell in line

and at this sign

everything I’d said just slipped from my mind

‘cause my feet left the ground

so glad once more it’s me he’d found

got rid of the dark and clung to the blue

what more could I do

everyone knew that I was dreaming



Paper boats

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


how come these precious things were made to seem remote

how come the words I weighed were forced back down my throat

there was no room for honesty

no quarter that was mine

no noble cause

I tried to fake a life

to fool those snapping jaws


from here I dare to launch my flimsy paper boats

I shove each gently from the shore but guard it where it floats

they must not drift too far from me

I still sense danger and

they are too frail

in time they’ll catch the wind

and fly with billowed sail




they must not drift too far from me

I still sense danger and

they are too frail

in time they’ll catch the wind

and fly with billowed sail


The Wastelands

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


Welcome to the wastelands

I guess you saw the sign

Saying...plots of land to let

Where all those broken hearts can pine


A place where no-one says that you

Must get back in the game

But let you take your own sweet time

And you just let them do the same


All who walk the wastelands

Feel they’re branded someone’s fool

All who walk the wastelands

are hurting bad but won’t let sadness rule


The landscape is forbidding

The trees are hung with dew

But no-one ever comes to visit here

For the climate or to see the view


The wastelands must stay barren

So hearts can freely sow

The seed that thrives on all their bitterness

Well-knowing it won’t ever grow


All who walk the wastelands

Feel they’re branded someone’s fool

All who walk the wastelands

Know Love can be so cruel

All who walk the wastelands

Are still missing what they had

All who walk the wastelands

are hurting bad but won’t let sadness rule



The Diner

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


they won’t ever find us here

believe me ..that’s the truth now

it’s not that hard to disappear

you’ve just got to know how

his eyes meet hers and he sees how she’s

busy fighting back the tears


we’ll be just fine ..you wait and see

he hopes his words will calm her

from here on in it’s you and me

he’ll let no-body harm her

her hands in his on the table-top

trying to make the shaking stop


how I wonder whose they are

those lives we can only watch from afar

how I wish that we could show

that we can care and long to know

how it goes.... that we could see

beyond the way things seem to be

the way they seem to be


they pay and leave..the bus is due

the night is growing colder

he says this coat’s just made for you

and slips it‘round her shoulders

they climb aboard and become to us

just two faces on a bus


how I wonder whose they are

those lives we can only watch from afar

how I wish that we could show

that we can care and long to know

how it goes...that we could see

beyond the way things seem to be

the way they seem to be......


The beachcomber

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


lead me to the sand and sea

sit a while beside me.....and I won’t mind

wait until the tide has turned

to see what’s left behind

then I’ll search for things to save


wake me if I’m dreaming

and if all I’ve planned starts streaming through my fingers

out of hand....grains of sand


let the woman I’ll become

dare to walk the shoreline.... and to ride the wave

let the ocean show its might

but leave me feeling brave

when all else is washed from sight


wake me if I’m dreaming

and if all I’ve planned starts streaming through my fingers

out of hand.....grains of sand


never let me hide away

in caves and shun the light of day

let the waters gently steer

me to my moorings far from fear

so I might come to comb this beach

seeing what my eye can reach

and knowing that a heart can open here......open here


lead me to the sand and sea

sit a while beside me.....and I won’t mind

wait until the tide has turned

to see what’s left behind

then I’ll search for things to save


wake me if I’m dreaming

and if all I’ve planned starts streaming through my fingers

out of hand....grains of sand


When Judy Falls 

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


when Judy falls

the word goes out

to one and all

when Judy falls

the whole world seems

to heed her haunting call


and when she falls

it marks the start

of Spring

the air is filled with bird-song

and Nature sings along

when Judy falls


when Judy falls

her hopes are oh so high

she’s walking tall

and when she falls

she’s hoping she’s the apple of some eye


but if she falls......in vain

we’ll surely hear.......the sound

of hopes that start to crumble

and silent birds that tumble

to the ground


Love is always new

when Judy makes the rules and breaks them too

Love is never old

she doesn’t wait around when hearts grow cold

she believes in weaving dreams

and nothing’s ever what it seems

when Judy falls


but if she falls......in vain

we’ll surely hear.......the sound

of hopes that start to crumble

and silent birds that tumble

to the ground



Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


aren’t you cured yet

I would have thought

living ought

to have helped you get

some vague idea of what is causing you such pain

and why the remedies you try are all in vain


aren’t you cured yet

you must admit

half of it’s

some hidden debt

that someone said that you were owed and should be met

the more you’re paid the bigger it all gets


why aren’t you cured by Love

it’s your sugar-coated pill and meant

to cure every ill

why aren’t you cured by Love

but still suffering and sending IT the bill

why aren’t you cured by Love


aren’t you cured yet

so what’s the score

how much more

must Love upset

the best-laid plans you have in mind for mice and men

before you’re well enough to stop and think again


aren’t you cured yet

I would have thought

living ought

to have helped you get

some vague idea of what is causing you such pain

and why your remedies are all in vain


why aren’t you cured by Love

it’s your sugar-coated pill and meant

to cure every ill

why aren’t you cured by Love

but still suffering and sending IT the bill

why aren’t you cured by Love



Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


a door left ajar

lets whispering from afar

breathe life into...a dream of me and you


I will the spark to die

but still it lights my eye

still makes me feel that this alone is real


and though I know it

I dare not show it..or let this madness make a kill

by dwelling on what might have been

or giving sadness space to fill

I’ll balance on the edge a while but won’t..fall in


I’ll retrace every step

I’ve ever run or crept

hoping I will see what is bleeding me


and when I know it

I won’t show it..or let this madness make a kill

by dwelling on what might have been

or giving sadness space to fill

I’ll balance on the edge a while but won’t..fall in


Before you called me yours

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


if Love is strange....a lover’s even stranger

he’ll tell her she outshines his wildest dreams

but given time he’ll try to rearrange her

to fit in with the fabric of his schemes


oh....what became of stay the way you are love

why change the very things you loved me for

what became of stay the way you are

the way I was before you called me yours


if Love is blind...a lover’s even blinder

her charm he’ll say has brought him to his knees

from that day on he’ll search but never find her

the woman she’s become will fail to please



.what became of stay the way you are love

why change the very things you loved me for

what became of stay the way you are

the way I was before you called me yours



.what became of stay the way you are love

why change the very things you loved me for

what became of stay the way you are

the way I was before you called me yours

Nightwatch (WHO goes there) 

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk & Marcio Faraco


words yet unspoken

some promise unbroken

these are the tokens I cling to


kisses ungiven

dreams yet unlived in

these are the gifts I can bring you

can bring to you....so tell me


who goes there

step out of the night and just show me you care

take these gifts that I bear....and I will know

Love is here

who goes there

do you come as a friend or a foe...and if so

should I stay....should I go

I need to know

I need to know


bridges still burning

tides that are turning

with only this yearning inside me


right or mistaken

caution forsaken

let joy awaken to guide me

to guide me...and tell me


who goes there

step out of the night and just show me you care

take these gifts that I bear....and I will know

Love is here

who goes there

do you come as a friend or a foe...and if so

should I stay....should I go

I need to know

just need to know


Let me be troubled

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


what is the use of words

if they don’t make her seen or heard

she watches dust to dust...unstirred

though left behind she is too weak to grieve

or blame us...we who leave


there is no hour of bliss

when ignorance can lead to this

don’t let the hand of time be kind

and smoothe her gently from my mind

let me be troubled

let me be troubled


where on the road

did I lose my way

not knowing where it will wind

how can I find that road

need to explain where I went amiss

and tell her...I will save her

from all of this

from all of this


these are the words of a fool

and heads not hearts must rule

I hear you say...but minds can be so slow

to see what hearts just know

let me be troubled

let me be troubled


where on the road

did I lose my way

not knowing where it will wind

how can I find that road

need to explain where I went amiss

and tell her...I will save her

from all of this

from all of this


how are you gonna deal with it, baby?

Melody by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


the storm that is underway is gonna rock that house of yours

leaving you no place to hide

how are you gonna manage from then on


the wind that is but a moan will soon be howling at your door

you’re tucked up safe inside

but are you gonna stay in till it’s gone


you check locks and latches

and batten down hatches

but the gale will send flying all that it catches


how are you gonna deal with it, baby?

when everything you had got planned

seems to come crashing down...there.. before your eyes

how are you gonna deal with it, baby?

when everything gets out of hand..

and all that once mattered

is picked up and scattered

you’re out in the cold

but you hold on and hope to survive


when the dust has all settled you’ll find a way to survive

still closed up or open wide

how are you gonna play it from now on


the storm has passed and you’re relieved Love’s still alive

it could have curled up and died

there is no way to play it when it’s gone


you check locks and latches

and batten down hatches

but the gale will send flying all that it catches


how are you gonna deal with it, baby?

when everything you had got planned

seems to come crashing down..there...before your eyes

when everything gets out of hand..

and all that once mattered

is picked up and scattered

you’re out in the cold

but you hold on and hope to survive


© Silje Nergaard 2024

All rights reserved