be still my heart - the essential

be still my heart

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


my heart is not lonely or broken

is not of ice or of gold

nor has my heart ever spoken

to me when a love has grown cold


I felt not the faintest flutter

when you brushed my cheek as you passed

nor will I willingly clutter

my life with these things that don’t last


be still my heart

my heart be still


if our eyes should meet then so-be-it

no need to trouble a heart that’s hidden

where no-one can free it

only to tear it apart


be still my heart

my heart be still


beware, beware, beware

take care, take care


be still my heart

my heart be still


we should be happier by now

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


We'll part as friends I think we said

And chose our separate paths to tread

We should be happier by now...

Had that move been wise


It's for the best I think we thought

To turn our backs on battles fought

We should be happier by now...

Trylng peace for size


We were lucky saw the signs

Warning us that we mlght spoil... each others lives

Read between but never saw the lines

That he who loves and runs away... merely survives


The break was clean with no regret

On this we both agree... and yet

We should be happier by now...

Free of all the lies


Time and space may heal a heart

We can find no place to start

We should be happier by now...

Is written in our eyes


your weak afterglow

can’t warm a heart in sorrow

the spark that is left behind

can’t light a troubled mind


your fire I know

can warm those bleak tomorrows

the dark must not enter in

so let the dance begin


dance me Love

dance me through the dark

dance me Love

dance me through the dark


we move to and fro

we beg or steal or borrow

a love that can fan the spark

and help us face the dark


dance me Love

dance me through the dark

dance me Love

dance me through the dark



your weak afterglow

can’t warm a heart in sorrow

the spark that is left behind

can’t light a troubled mind


your fire I know

can warm those bleak tomorrows

the dark must not enter in

so let the dance begin


dance me Love

dance me through the dark

dance me Love

dance me through the dark


we move to and fro

we beg or steal or borrow

a love that can fan the spark

and help us face the dark


dance me Love

dance me through the dark

dance me Love

dance me through the dark


Shame on you 

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


it doesn’t really matter where you’re coming from

it’s no concern of mine where you are bound

your move from A to B is basic geometry

the shortest line is me


spare me lengthy tales of pain and misery

of how you once were lost..but now are found

I wasn’t searching...just remember who found who

between two points in time


shame on you

expecting me to go along with all that you do

shame on you

go play your game of hide-and-seek with somebody new


I’m just another port-of–call along the way

another landing place...but that’s alright

let’s forget the why’s and wherefore’s

and get on with saying our goodbyes


shame on you

expecting me to go along with all that you do

shame on you

go play your game of hide-and-seek with somebody new


watch my lips hear what they’re saying

I will spell it out

keep those mind games you love playing

they’re not what I’m about


shame on you

expecting me to go along with all that you do

shame on you

go play your game of hide-and-seek with somebody new


ON and On

Music by Silje

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


June, what are you crying for?

Soon you'll have to end this war

The days are turning darker now

But hang on to that dream somehow


June, where are you going to?

True, the game got rough on you

Things have turned so sad inside

But hang on to that dream you hide


On and on, the dark will find you

Rain will fall, and clouds surround you

But carry on, my love's behind you

I know I'll see you smiling


June, you'd better stand up, girl

Soon you'll have to face the world

I know you'll find a place somewhere You'll put things back

together there


On and on, the dark will find you

Rain will fall, and clouds surround you

But carry on, my love's behind you

I know I'll see you smiling


The days are turning darker now

But you will find your peace somehow


On and on, the dark will find you

Rain will fall, and clouds surround you

But carry on, my love ́sbehind you

I know I'll see you smiling


On and on, the dark is gonna find you

And the rain is gonna fall, and clouds surround you But carry on,

my love's behind you

I know I'll see you smiling 


I don´t wanna see you cry 

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


there’s no tender way to say it’s the end

and so win or lose 

I’m forced to choose

between a lover and a loving friend

let me hear you say

how you curse the day

you opened up your heart to me

that you ever invited me in

tell me I’m the loser...and you win


I don´t want to see you cry

I beg you try 

not to let the pain I’m causing reach your eyes

I don’t want to see you cry

aim your words like spears

don’t break me up by breaking down in tears


hide your pain but when push comes to shove

don’t keep your pride

locked deep inside

rage against the dying of my love

don’t sigh my name

give me all the blame

call me heartless call me cruel

and accuse me of dealing in lies

just don’t let my leaving cloud your eyes


I don’t want to see you cry 

I beg you try 

not to let the pain I’m causing reach your eyes

I don’t want to see you cry

aim your words like spears

don’t break me up by breaking down in tears


dreams come........dreams go

some fade............some grow

dream on............dream on

you’ve got to dream on

after I’ve gone


I don’t want to see you cry

I beg you try

not to let the pain I’m causing reach your eyes

I don’t want to see you cry

aim your words like spears

don’t break me up by breaking down in tears



Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


strike up the band let it play

love songs to haunt me and I will stay

but when it comes to a waltz

both words and music will ring false


cos you waltzed in

and spun my world

around in dizzy dance

I swirled

but suddenly

you waltzed away from me


those violins they must go

so no careless hand with a bow

may play on the srings of my heart

and make me remember how lovers part


how you waltzed in

and spun my world

around in dizzy dance

I swirled

but suddenly

you waltzed away from me


strike up the band let it play

whatever it chooses and I’ll say

play me a waltz if you will

I’ll sit here and listen waiting until


my love returns

to take my world

and spin it‘round

in dizzy swirl

where girl loves boy

and boy loves girl

and feet don’t touch the ground

Me oh my 

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


there I go again losing my head

you in the lead and me being led

playing little-girl-lost

led by the nose by you

to a life you have laid for two


me oh my you chose little old me

to shower with love and sympathy

to have and to hold

for as long as YOU decide

a fall follows pride


lost girls can find their way back

now boy it’s high time for pay-back

I’m getting even

I’m tired of being your plaything

seeing everything your way


she put him though it

how could she do it

he won’t forget it

she’ll live to regret it


I’m flying solo


so here am I fallen from grace

and tables for two

with a smile on my face

I raise my glass high

drink to the plans you’ll lay

and the role I’ll never play

Tell me where you´re going

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Silje Nergaard, Jeff Wasserman,

Gragg Lundsford, Richard Niles


Back on the highway

Down on the road

You wanna tell me

-girl, I gotta go alone

You wanna go alone?

I`ll take the chance

I want to go with you


You`ve heard the wind blow

Heard it before

This time it`s different

Packed and headed for the door

You gotta find a way

I`ll take a chance

And help you find a way


In your eyes

The shadow and the light

In your heart

I want to go, I want to go with you


Tell me where you`re going

I am going too

Tell me where you`re goinf

I will go with you


Where are we going

What`s down the road

Where`s the wind blowing

Will we ever really know?

We gotta find a way

We`ll take a chance

And we will find a way


In your eyes

The laughter and the tears

Hear me cry

I want to go, I want to go

Come on baby won`t you let me go

I want to go along with you


Tell me where you`re going

I am going too

Tell me where you`re going

I will go with you


Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


I won’t disown

those things my heart has sown

the mine alone

I made this fickle heart my own

but how am I supposed to see the stars

how am I supposed to see that far


I see the cost

of all this heart has lost

and how...those dice were tossed

in lives this fickle heart has crossed

but how am I supposed to see the stars

how am I supposed to see that far


how am I supposed to start

and change an ever-changing heart

light some corner of a mind

that isn’t there for me to find

and how am I supposed to see

the stars you say are meant for me

how am I supposed to praise

those stars with eyes I cannot raise


maybe I’m supposed to say

I’m walking tall on feet of clay

resting only when I check

the albatross around my neck

how am I supposed to see

the stars you say are meant for me

oh how am I to see....eeeee


but how can I

who lent my heart the lie

now lift up heart and eye

and let that fickle heart see sky

and how am I supposed to see the stars

how am I supposed to see that far


how am I supposed to start

and change an ever-changing heart

light some corner of a mind

that isn’t there for me to find

and how am I supposed to see

the stars you say are meant for me

how am I supposed to praise

those stars with eyes I cannot raise


maybe I’m supposed to say

I´m walking tall on feet of clay

resting only when I check

the albatross around my neck

how am I supposed to see

the stars you say are meant for me

oh how am I to see....eeeee



Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


can’t count the hours

blame the miles

and say they keep me

from your smile

for you are here

no oceans lie

between my lover’s arms and I


I see your smile

but where are you

why don’t you dare

to need me too

I’d bring you joy

to light the way

a ray of sun

to thaw your days


please let me through

I don’t ask much

but the slightest touch

of Japanese Blue

I beg of you

my life is such

it needs a touch of Japanese Blue


I see that life

has taken toll

your shattered dreams

I can’t make whole

but let me through

and I will stay

close by your side

to comfort you


please let me through

I don’t ask much

but the slightest touch

of Japanese Blue

I beg of you

my life is such

it needs a touch of Japanese Blue


Keep on backing losers

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk


I keep on backing losers

the beggars not the choosers


I keep on backing losers

the beggars not the choosers



how come they always find me

turn my head and blind me

with tales of how they need to start anew

they feed but never feed me

I just cater for the needy

tending broken hearts is what I do


I keep on backing losers

the beggars not the choosers


but I’m no longer buying

the sobbing and the sighing



I’m through with playing Sister-

of –Mercy to the misters

who tell me that they’re so misunderstood

and that being with me’s giving

them the strength to go on living

and that I alone can make them feel so good


I keep on backing losers

the beggars not the choosers


but I’m no longer buying

the sobbing and the sighing



years……of stroking heads and drying tears

of being there to calm their fears

I’ve had enough I’m steering clear….clear….clear…clear                   


I keep on backing losers

the beggars not the choosers


but I’m no longer buying

the sobbing and the sighing



Gå en annen vei 

Melody: Silje Nergaard

Lyrics: Jan Eggum


Du kom til meg med våren

Du dro med en høst

Jeg følte du forsvant hver gang

jeg trengte til trøst

Det går igjen mot sommer

Jeg vet du er nær

Jeg føler at du kommer

At du snart er her


Gå en annen vei

Finn en annen venn

Aldri lar jeg deg

Såre meg igjen


Det skulle ha vært oss to

I sanger og smil

Du delte gjerne håp og tro

Men ikke min tvil

Når jeg var snill og stødig

Var du med på alt

Men du ville så nødig

Hjelpe meg når jeg falt


Gå en annen vei

Finn en annen venn

Aldri lar jeg deg

Såre meg igjen

Du vil ikke bli

Vinteren hos meg

Kjære, du må gå

Gå en annen vei


Jeg var vennen som spanderte

Slik at du fikk ta i mot

Jeg var vennen som gav trygghet

Så du kunne få slå rot

Jeg er vennen som må gjøgle

Så en annen kan få le

Men når jeg endelig tar masken av

Så vil du ikke se det

Lullaby to erle

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Nils Einar Vinjor


mothers have woven a black velvet ocean

and spread it between the night and day shores

so that children might sleep...gently rocked by the motion

of waves beneath boats built by fathers like yours


with you safe the shore we will linger

and watch as your breathing it fills up the sail

you loosen the moorings..your grip on our finger

and leave on the velvet a silvery trail


alone on the shore with our hearts close to breaking

we stand in the wake as you glide from our reach

calmed by the thought that the voyage you’re taking

will bring you at dawning back safe to this beach


we cannot sail with there to guide you

or pilot your boat through the black of the night

but no ocean can keep darkness can hide you

away from our love and its undying light

© Silje Nergaard 2024

All rights reserved